Agitated Stallion.

by Paul Martin
Agitated Stallion.
Paul Martin
Photograph - High Resolution Images.
This junior stallion (by rank not age) is engaged in an intense battle with his lead. The ears are pinned back, the eyes are bulging, the nostrils are flared and of course the teeth are bared. The big lead (L) was unfazed and after a lengthy battle he maintained his position of leader of the band.
August 26th, 2019
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Comments (12)

Gary F Richards
Spectacular capture, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest HORSES - ANY STYLE OR MEDIUM - TAME OR WILD AND FR...!

Don Columbus
Congratulations, your work is Featured in "Photographic Camera Art" I invite you to place it in the group's "2020-2021 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! L/Tweet!

Jordan Hill
Congratulations on being featured in the FAA Group ‘The Outdoor Photographer' To ensure your feature remains available over time, post your featured images in the Group's 'Thanks for the Feature / photo archive

Barbie Corbett-Newmin
Congratulations, you have met all requirements of submission to All Stars and your wonderful work is featured on the home page of this quadruple-curated group, All Stars. Featured images are changed weekly, so for your image to remain visible for potential buyers who visit the group later, please post your featured images in the featured discussion thread titled Featured in All Stars in 2020.

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!" Sharing on Twitter!