Little Bighorn.

by Paul Martin
Little Bighorn.
Paul Martin
Photograph - High Resolution Images.
A young Desert Bighorn grazing on a valley floor. Both males and females will start growing their horns in the first year. Small signature will appear bottom right.
October 8th, 2023
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Comments (12)

Gary F Richards
Spectacular Little Bighorn composition, lighting, shading, excellent colors and artwork! Congratulations on your very deserving Nominated Feature! F/L

Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 Views on One Image Group's Special Features Nominations For Promotion #28 . Please help your fellow artists by visiting and passing on the love to another artist in the the 1000 Views on One Image Group....L/F/Tw

Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group ..... Feel free to place your featured image in the Features Archive and any Genre specific Archive l/f/tw

Barbie Corbett-Newmin
Congratulations, your wonderful photography is featured on the home page of The 200 Club, a rising star photography group featuring the best photos with over 200 views up to 500 views. Featured images are changed often. To remain visible to potential buyers who visit this unique group, please post your featured images in the Feature Archives and other appropriate threads. Thanks for sharing it!